王紫桐 Zitong Wang




“王紫桐具有非凡的天赋和惊人的表现力。”——Pablo Galdo


钢琴家王紫桐5岁首次登台,13岁即在北京中山音乐堂成功举办个人独奏音乐会。至今,她的演奏足迹已遍及中国、美国、德国、波兰、西班牙、俄罗斯、越南。曾与她合作的乐团包括:费城交响乐团、克利夫兰管弦乐团、新泽西交响乐团、加利西亚交响乐团、杭州爱乐乐团、柯蒂斯学生乐团、雅基马交响乐团,合作的指挥家有:林望杰、张弦、杨洋、Lina Gonzalez-Granados、José Trigueros、Antony Hermus。

王紫桐在中外钢琴比赛中获得业界的认可并深得观众的喜爱,她曾获第12届星海杯全国钢琴比赛第一名及中国作品演奏奖、第二届KAWAI杯全国钢琴比赛第一名及中国作品演奏奖、第三届STEINWAY中国钢琴比赛第二名、第二届美国图雷克-巴赫国际青少年钢琴比赛协奏曲第一名及创意曲第一名、美国弗吉尼亚·韦林国际钢琴比赛(Virginia Waring International Piano Competition)协奏曲第一名及独奏第三名、第五届美国托马斯-库伯(Thomas and Evon Cooper International Competition)国际钢琴比赛第二名、2020年普林斯顿国际钢琴比赛第一名、2020年第二届法国国际音乐比赛第一名。2022年,她获得第33届西班牙费罗尔(Ferrol)国际钢琴比赛冠军,以及该项历史悠久的赛事成立以来首次设立的“内尔森·弗莱雷”最佳肖邦作品演奏奖。2023年7月,她受邀参加了在美国波特兰举办的西北室内乐音乐节(CMNW),并入选旨在培养明日之星的驻节青年艺术家计划“Protégé Project”。

王紫桐也热衷于现代音乐与室内乐,她曾代表柯蒂斯音乐学院参与由罗伯托·迪亚兹带领的室内乐巡演,作为“柯蒂斯20/21重奏组”的成员曾多次参加现代音乐演出并与作曲家Unsuk Chin、盛宗亮、David Ludwig、Alvin Singleton合作。2019年,她受邀请参加由香港科技大学举办、著名作曲家盛宗亮作为艺术总监的“创意间的亲昵”音乐节演出;次年,她受盛宗亮邀请,在哥伦比亚大学演奏了他的钢琴五重奏《舞蹈随想曲》(Dance Capriccio)。

1999年生于内蒙古的一个钢琴世家,3岁接受外公启蒙,王紫桐在中央音乐学院附小、附中师从钢琴教育家常桦教授、钢琴家盛原教授。2012年,她考入柯蒂斯音乐学院,跟随钢琴家刘孟捷教授、钢琴教育泰斗Eleanor Sokoloff教授学习。出于对巴洛克音乐的热爱,她在柯蒂斯音乐学院期间跟随Leon Schelhase教授辅修羽管键琴,并在2016年受邀参加羽管键琴大师Trevor Pinnock的音乐节。同时,她在宾夕法尼亚大学修读哲学课程。2012至2016年,她连续五年获得了漫步者音乐家基金的支持。2022年,她在柯蒂斯音乐学院取得学士学位,并考入新英格兰音乐学院,在钢琴家邓泰山(Dang Thai Son)门下深造,攻读硕士文凭。

王紫桐2024年的重要亮相,包括与Antony Hermus执棒的加利西亚交响乐团的贝多芬第一钢琴协奏曲,以及河内、胡志明市、台中、台北巡演。


“Zitong Wang is a rare case. She possesses not only many valuable qualities of a high class international pianist, but also a very special magnetism that captures the audience’s attention.” – Dang Thai Son

“She has an unusual talent and a spectacular projection.” – Pablo Galdo

“Her playing is full of color, imagination, emotional conviction and originality.” – Yuan Sheng

23-year-old Chinese pianist Zitong Wang made her solo recital debut at age 13 in Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing. She has performed at such venues as the Steinway Hall in New York, Verizon Hall in Philadelphia, Severance Hall in Cleveland, etc. She has appeared with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra, New Jersey Symphony, Galicia Symphony Orchestra, Hangzhou Philharmonic, Yakima Symphony, and Waring Festival Orchestras. She has worked with conductors Jahja Ling, Xian Zhang, Lina Gonzalez-Granados, José Trigueros and Yang Yang.

Among others, she is a first-prize winner of the Rosalyn Tureck International Bach Competition and Virginia Waring International Concerto Competition, second prize in the Thomas and Evon Cooper International Competition, First prize in Princeton Festival Competition and France Music Competition. In 2021, she competed in the 18th Chopin Competition in Warsaw. She most recently won First Prize and “Nelson Freire Prize” for the best performer of a piece by Frederick Chopin in the XXXIII Ferrol International Piano Competition in 2022. She participated Chamber Music Northwest of Portland, Oregon in July 2023 as one of the selected Protégé Project artists, playing alongside with Soovin Kim, Gloria Chien & David Shifrin.

A devoted chamber musician, Zitong has played alongside with Meng-Chieh Liu, David Shifrin, Don Liuzzi, Zlatomir Fung, Vera Quartet, Zora Quartet, etc. She has toured with Roberto Díaz and musicians from Curtis. As an active member of Curtis 20/21 ensemble, she has worked with composers Unsuk Chin, Bright Sheng, David Ludwig, Alvin Singleton, and was invited by Bright Sheng to participate in the Intimacy of Creativity conference for composers in Hong Kong as a guest pianist. She has also been featured on WRTI and WHYY TV in Philadelphia. Interested in early music, Zitong studied harpsichord as secondary major at Curtis with Leon Schelhase, and was invited to by Maestro Trevor Pinnock to participate in a master class with himself and perform on antique harpsichords from the Flint Collection.

Born in Inner Mongolia, China in 1999, Zitong began piano lessons at age three and previously studied with Hua Chang and Yuan Sheng at the Central Conservatory of Music Affiliated Middle School in Beijing. She entered the Curtis Institute of Music in 2012 where she studied with Meng-Chieh Liu and Eleanor Sokoloff. Now graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree, she will be pursuing her Master’s Degree at New England Conservatory with Dang Thai Son.

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