关于意果 About Igor & Musicians
意果音乐(Igor & Musicians),是由音乐家、音乐经纪人、资深音乐爱好者创办的专业机构,致力于制作、推广品质音乐。我们的工作包括:艺术创作、艺术家管理、音乐会制作、录音发行、音乐推广。

晚年贝多芬,在杰作《庄严弥撒》手稿第一章的页眉,写下了他对音乐的终极意义的思考:“从心中来,愿它再次,到心中去!”(”Von Herzen – Möge es wieder – Zu Herzen gehn! “)此乃“果”。

Igor,也是既突破陈规、又回归传统的俄罗斯作曲大师伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基(Igor Stravinsky)的名字。


Igor & Musicians, is a China based organization founded by musicians, artist managers and music lovers, dedicated to promoting classical and jazz music. Our work includes: international artist management, concert production, innovations in music.
Von Herzen – Möge es wieder – Zu Herzen gehn!
Our Chinese name 意果 (Pronunciation: yì guǒ) is inspired by Book of Rites (《礼记》) and Missa Solemnis by Ludwig van Beethoven.
Book of Rites – Essays on Music argues that music (Chinese: 音) rises from the human heart (Chinese: 心).

In Chinese, 意 is a combination of music (Chinese: 音) and heart (Chinese: 心).
The copy of Missa Solemnis Beethoven presented to Archduke Rudolf of Austria, was inscribed “Von Herzen – Möge es wieder – Zu Herzen gehn! ” (“From the heart – may it return to the heart! “)

Ludwig van Beethoven – Missa Solemnis
Igor Stravinsky
Igor is also the given name of the great Russian composer Igor Stravinsky, who broke through conventions and finally returned to tradition.

Igor Stravinsky
Our logo is inspired by kiwifruit which is native to China and popular all over the world. The piano keys, like seeds, are distributed on the circular cross-section of the kiwifruit, and the scale has the possibility of infinite extension.

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