刘洋 Yang Liu

Pianist, Fortepianist




刘洋在国际钢琴大赛中屡获殊荣,包括:多伦多国际钢琴大赛金奖、康乃狄克州肖邦基金会国际钢琴大赛最高专业组金奖、纽约塞尔吉与奥尔加·库塞维茨基(Serge & Olga Koussevitzky)青年艺术家大奖第二名、青年肖邦国际钢琴比赛第四名……刘洋还多次参加美国阿斯本音乐节、德克萨斯钢琴音乐节,法国枫丹白露音乐节,德国戈斯拉尔(Goslar)音乐节,意大利伊莫拉(Imola)钢琴艺术节等久负盛名的国际音乐盛会。2014年,刘洋成为了纽约音乐家协会的一员。


出生于福建省福州市,刘洋年少时便显露出卓越的音乐天赋,于10岁时考入中央音乐学院附小,师从赵屏国教授、凌远教授。2007年,刘洋考入美国茱莉亚音乐学院预科部,师从维多利亚·穆什卡克(Victoria Muchkatkol)。两年后,她获得全额奖学金考入茱莉亚音乐学院本科,师从钢琴系主任约赫维德·卡普林斯基博士(Yoheved Kaplinky)并取得了茱莉亚的本科和硕士学位。2015年,刘洋考入耶鲁大学音乐学院,师从梅尔文·陈博士(Melvin Chen)并获得了第二个硕士学位。2017年,她考入约翰·霍普金斯大学皮博迪音乐学院攻读博士学位,师从文龙姬教授(Yong Hi Moon)。与此同时,她被意大利伊莫拉音乐学院破格免试录取,师从沃夫卡·阿什肯纳齐(Vovka Ashkenazy),兼修钢琴演奏家文凭。

近年来,刘洋在兼顾演奏事业之余,在皮博迪音乐学院键盘乐器系与史密斯大学(Smith College)任教。她的学生们取得了许多优异的成绩,考入了包括美国曼哈顿音乐学院、曼内斯音乐学院、皮博迪音乐学院、伊斯曼音乐学院等著名高等音乐学府。


“Her performance was incredibly expressive… effortlessly moving from delicate flourishes to pounding intensity…” (Toronto Star).

Pianist Yang Liu attracts worldwide audiences with her profound musicianship and extraordinary virtuosity. Since her concerto debut at the age of fourteen with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, she has performed extensively throughout North America, Europe, and Asia, in prominent venues including the Lincoln Center in New York City, the Koerner Hall in Toronto, the Beijing Concert Hall, the Hong Kong City Hall, the Château de Fontainebleau in France, and many others.

Ms. Liu has won many prestigious competitions, including the First Prize of the Toronto International Piano Competition, First Prize of the professional category of the Chopin International Piano Competition in Hartford, Second Prize of the Serge & Olga Koussevitzky Young Artist Awards, Fourth Prize of the International Chopin Competition for Young Pianist, among others. Ms. Liu has also participated in many international music festivals, including the Aspen Music Festival, PianoTexas, the Fontainebleau School of Music, International Musical Artistry Goslar, Imola Summer Music Academy and Festival, and others. In 2014, she became a member of the Musicians Club of New York.

Ms. Liu also performs on various keyboard instruments of different periods. In 2022, Naxos Records released her album “Schubert: German Dances, Ländlers, and Écossaises”, presenting Schubert’s dances on both a modern piano and a fortepiano. The album includes world premiere recordings and a Ländler completed by Ms. Liu based on Schubert’s fragment.

Hailing from Fuzhou, China, Ms. Liu auditioned for the Primary School Affiliated with the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing at the age of ten. In 2007, Ms. Liu was admitted to the Pre-college Division of The Juilliard School and studied with Victoria Mushkatkol. She received both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from The Juilliard School under the tutelage of Dr. Yoheved Kaplinsky, in addition to a Master of Musical Arts degree from Yale School of Music with Dr. Melvin Chen. She is finishing her Doctoral of Musical Arts at Peabody Institute – Johns Hopkins University with Prof. Yong Hi Moon. Meanwhile, she has been studying at The Imola International Academy Foundation “Incontri con il Maestro” in Italy with Prof. Vovka Ashkenazy.

As a devoted teacher, Ms. Liu has served as the assistant of keyboard studies at the Peabody Institute and is on the piano faculty at the Smith College while teaching actively in the New York region. Some of her students have been accepted into prominent music schools including Manhattan School of Music, Mannes School of Music, Peabody Institute, and Eastman School of Music.

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