薛颖佳 Yingjia Xue





他在比利时、法国、意大利、荷兰、德国、瑞士、加拿大等地留下了演奏足迹,其钢琴独奏会、室内乐音乐会赢得了欧美观众的高度赞誉。作为世界各大音乐节的常客,他曾受邀出席意大利米兰都灵九月音乐节(MITO SettembreMusica)、法国阿尔克音乐节(Festival des Arcs)、瑞士克兰·蒙大拿音乐节(Semaines Musicales de Crans-Montana)、德国莫里兹堡音乐节(Moritzburg Festival)、加拿大奥福音乐节(Festival d’Orford)、加拿大渥太华室内乐音乐节(Ottawa Chamberfest)。

曾与薛颖佳合作演出的乐团包括:比利时图尔奈乐团(Chapelle Musicale de Tournai)、巴黎室内乐团(L’Orchestre ensemble de Paris)、北京交响乐团、上海爱乐乐团、深圳交响乐团、苏州交响乐团、厦门爱乐乐团、青岛交响乐团。曾合作的中外指挥大师包括:Conrad Van Alphen、Christian Ehwald、Philippe Gérard、Victor Hugo Toro、陈燮阳、谭利华、胡咏言、傅人长、夏小汤、张亮。

2006年,薛颖佳受日本NHK电视台委约,与法国钢琴大师米歇尔·达尔贝托(Michel Dalberto)合作,录制了《NHK大师课》系列节目。该节目在日本全国放送并发行DVD。

薛颖佳毕业于上海音乐学院附中、上海音乐学院。2005至2009年间,他深造于被誉为“钢琴家圣殿”的意大利伊莫拉国际钢琴学院(Accademia Internazionale di Imola),师从法国钢琴家米歇尔·达尔贝托、加拿大钢琴家路易·洛尔蒂(Louis Lortie)、俄罗斯钢琴家鲍里斯·彼得鲁尚斯基(Boris Petrushansky)。

作为一位在室内乐领域同样活跃的演奏家,薛颖佳的合作伙伴包括小提琴家雷诺·卡普松(Renaud Capuçon)、吕思清、康珠美,以及大提琴家Henri Demarquette。



“Yingjia understood all the harmonies and phrasing. This is what I am most satisfied with. ” – Fou Ts’ong

As one of the most prominent pianist in China, Yingjia Xue holds a large repertoire of solo, concerto and chamber music. In 2003, he won a prize at the International Competition André Dumortier. In 2004, he won the 1st prize at the Scriabin Competition in Paris. In 2005, he was the 1st Laureate of the Yamaha Piano Competition in Belgium.

Yingjia Xue has given recitals and Chamber Music concerts in Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany and Canada. He has been invited to play at many festivals like the “Moritzburg Festival” in Dresden, the “Semaine Musicale de Crans-Montana” in Switzerland, the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival, the “Festival d’Orford” in Canada and the “Festival des Arcs” in France.

He has been invited to play with many orchestras, as “La Chapelle Musicale de Tournai”, “L’Orchestra Ensemble de Paris”, Beijing Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Suzhou Symphony Orchestra and Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra, with conductors as Conrad Van Alphen, Christian Ehwald, Philippe Gérard, Victor Hugo Toro, Xieyang Chen, Yongyan Hu, Lihua Tan, Xiaotang Xia and Liang Zhang.

In 2009 and 2010, he was invited to play a recital in Milan and Turin in memory of Haydn and Chopin’s anniversary. After coming back to China, he has been invited to perform in all the major concert halls like the National Center for the Performing Arts, Shanghai Concert Hall, Shanghai Oriental Art Center, Shanghai Grand Theatre, Concert hall of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and Shenzhen Concert Hall etc.

Also as an highly active chamber musician, he plays very often with many renowned string masters, as Renaud Capuçon, Siqing Lu, Clara-Jumi Kang and Henri Demarquette etc.

In 2006 he was invited, as the only Chinese pianist, by the famous Japanese broadcaster NHK to make the TV programme “Super Piano Masterclass series”, which has been published officially in DVD.

Currently teaching in the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and the Central Conservatory of Music(Xiamen Branch). From 2005 to 2009 he studied in the celebrated Accademia Pianistica “Incontri col Maestro” of Imola with the reputed pianists Louis Lortie, Michel Dalberto and Boris Petrushansky.