迪欧帝玛四重奏 Quatuor Diotima
赵云鹏 Yun-Peng Zhao, Léo Marillier, Franck Chevalier, Alexis Descharmes
法国迪欧帝玛四重奏,当今世界上最抢手的弦乐四重奏组之一,诞生于1996年,由巴黎和里昂音乐学院的优秀毕业生组成。Diotima,取自德国浪漫主义诗人荷尔德林(F. Hölderlin)同名诗作,以及意大利作曲家Luigi Nono的四重奏《Fragmente Stille, an Diotima》,表明四位艺术家对德奥浪漫主义音乐与当代音乐演绎的双重追求。
他们曾紧密地与20世纪下半叶多位作曲大师合作,其中包括Pierre Boulez(曾在临逝世前特意为迪欧帝玛修改他的唯一四重奏作品)与Helmut Lachenmann。他们也多次委约当代世界走红作曲家的作品,包括细川俊夫、Miroslav Srnka、Alberto Posadas、Mauro Lanza、Gerard Pesson、Rebecca Saunders和Tristan Murail。四位艺术家坚信古典与现代曲目的结合会使听众从中体验到与众不同的理解,特别对于贝多芬、舒伯特,新维也纳“三巨头”勋伯格、伯格与韦伯恩,或是亚纳切克、德彪西、拉威尔与巴托克。
他们在第一张专辑(Assai公司)中录制了Helmut Lachenmann的《Reigen seliger Geister》以及《Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima de Nono》,并于2004年获得查尔斯克洛斯学院“心灵振颤”和“音域新发现”奖,《Diapason》杂志因本专辑赞誉他们为“年度最佳音乐”。在此之后他们为ALPHA公司录制了两张专辑:亚纳切克的两首四重奏以及Lucien Durosoi(1878-1955)鲜为人知的四重奏作品,Alberto Posadas(Kairos公司)、Chaya Czernowin(NEOS公司)、Thomas Larcher(ECM公司)、Dieter Schnebel(NEOS公司)、细川俊夫(NEOS公司)5张现代音乐专辑,与中德广播公司乐团录制的勋伯格四重奏协奏曲(NDR公司),法国浪漫派作曲家Onslow的专辑(Naive公司),勋伯格、伯格与韦伯恩的合辑(Naive公司)和一张美国20世纪音乐的合辑,其中包括人人皆知的巴伯的“慢板”(Naive公司),与法国大提琴家Anne Gastinel合作的舒伯特D大调弦乐五重奏(Naïve公司)。这些CD专辑,每一张都得到了包括法国(月份与年度金音叉奖)、德国(封面人物与最佳唱片)、英国(皇家学院奖提名)和美国(纽约电台月份最佳CD)等世界媒体的认可和奖项。2016年与Naive公司在建团20年之际推出了新维也纳乐派5CD全集,受到了欧洲各大媒体的一致肯定,包括英国留声机杂志主编推荐、Strad月刊精选、英国卫报推荐、法国世界报周选,并同时推出了以四重奏组命名的现代音乐合辑Quatuor Diotima Collection。2019年1月推出的巴托克四重奏全集也顺理成章地得到留声机、Strad等的最高评分。
自成立以来,迪欧帝玛便活跃于国际舞台,他们已在40多个国家和地区,以及许多重要的音乐节和音乐会上进行过演出,例如巴黎卢浮宫音乐厅、巴黎音乐城、柏林爱乐乐团音乐厅、柏林音乐厅、科隆爱乐音乐厅、慕尼黑广播电台、阿姆斯特丹音乐厅、奥地利萨尔斯堡音乐节、维也纳音乐厅、东京三得利音乐厅、首尔汉阳大学、統营音乐节、台湾艺术大学、台北两厅院、伦敦南岸伊丽莎白皇后音乐厅、伦敦Wigmore Hall、伦敦巴比肯中心、英国爱丁堡音乐节、悉尼艺术节、纽约曼尼斯学院、华盛顿国家图书馆、休斯顿莱思大学、圣彼得堡爱乐音乐厅、法国斯特拉斯堡音乐节、布鲁塞尔现代音乐节、布鲁塞尔BOZAR音乐厅、赫尔辛基新音乐节、日内瓦阿什佩尔音乐节、里斯本卡洛斯提·古尔班基安艺术厅、哈德菲尔德音乐节、布达佩斯秋季音乐节、斯德哥尔摩新音乐节、马德里现代音乐传播中心和国家音乐厅、梅斯阿卡特音乐中心。他们还在日本、美国、南美进行了多场巡演。
2022/23乐季也不例外:芝加哥大学驻地艺术家、巴黎爱乐厅、蒙特卡罗艺术之春、斯特拉斯堡Musical现代音乐节、维也纳音乐厅、汉堡易北爱乐厅。这个乐季也是他们与荷兰Pentatone唱片公司的合作开端,最新专辑《Ligeti 四重奏全集》在2023年2月22日受柏林爱乐厅邀请的音乐会后顺利发行。
The Quatuor Diotima is one of the most in-demand chamber ensembles in the world today; it was formed in 1996 by graduates of the Paris national conservatory (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris).
The quartet’s name evokes a double musical significance: Diotima is at once an allegory of German romanticism – Friederich Hölderlin gives the name to the love of his life in his novel Hyperion- and a rallying cry for the music of our time, brandished by Luigi Nono in his composition Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima.
The Quatuor Diotima has worked in close collaboration with several of the greatest composers of the late twentieth century, notably Pierre Boulez and Helmut Lachenmann. The quartet regularly commissions new works from the most brilliant composers of our time, including Toshio Hosokawa, Miroslav Srnka, Alberto Posadas, Mauro Lanza, Gérard Pesson, Rebecca Saunders and Tristan Murail.
Reflected in the mirror of today’s music, the quartet projects a new light onto the masterpieces of the 19th and 20th centuries, especially Beethoven, Schubert, the Second Viennese School (Schoenberg, Berg and Webern), as well as Janáček, Debussy, Ravel and Bartók.
In the quartet’s rich discography one finds amongst others, notably, the recording of all six string quartets by Béla Bartók (Naïve, 2019), their interpretations of the Second Viennese School (Naïve, 2016) and the definitive version of the Livre pour Quatuor by Pierre Boulez (on Megadisc). Their recordings are regularly praised and awarded by the international musical press: French magazine Diapason’s Diapason d’Or (five awards including two Best of the Year), Classica (Best of the Year), Télérama, Grammophone (Editor’s Choice), The Strad, and many others.
In 2016 the quartet launched the “Diotima Collection” devoted to the works of major composers of our time. In 2021, the quartet released three musical portraits of Gérard Pesson, Enno Poppe and Stefano Gervasoni and one of Mauricio Sotelo. On the occasion of the centenary of György Ligeti’s birth in 2023 the quartet releases a monograph devoted to the composer.
The Diotima Quartet was the first quartet in residence at Radio France from 2019 to 2021. After a 14-year territorial residency in the Centre Val-de-Loire region, the Diotima Quartet has found a new home in the Grand Est region, sharing strong cultural links with Germany and Switzerland, which resonate with the quartet’s repertoire and partners in Europe. This residency allows the quartet to develop its Academy in partnership with the Cité Musicale-Metz inviting young composers and string quartets, a chamber music series in Strasbourg as well as an educational residency at the Ecole Nationale de Lutherie in Mirecourt, while amplifying the presence of chamber music throughout the region, of which the string quartet is one of the emblematic disciplines.
Very active in teaching and training young artists, the Diotima Quartet has recently been an Associate Artist at the Aix-en-Provence Festival Academy, an Artist in Residence at the University of Chicago and has been invited to give masterclasses at the University of California in Los Angeles, the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, the Casa del Quartetto in Reggio Emilia and York University.
The Quatuor Diotima appears regularly in the world’s finest halls and concert series. They perform this season notably at Philharmonie de Paris, Berlin Philharmonie, Cologne Philharmonie, Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, Konserthuset Stockholm, Madrid Círculo de Cámara, Lugano Musica, Granada Festival and Vienna Konzerthaus amongst others. The quartet will also be on tour in Japan, Taiwan and in South Corea and will perform in the most important festivals for contemporary music such as Wien Modern, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, IRCAM and Musica Strasbourg.
New works to be premiered this season include amongst others a concerto for string quartet and orchestra by Bruno Mantovani with the Orchestre National de France, two works for string quartet and electronics by Mauro Lanza and Sasha Blondeau, as well as new pieces by Lisa Streich, Olga Neuwirth and Misato Mochizuki.
The Quatuor Diotima is subsidized by the French ministry of Culture and the Région Grand Est and receives support from the SACEM, the Institut Français, the Spedidam, the Adami, as well as private donors.
The Quatuor Diotima is a member of the PROFEDIM, Futurs Composés and FEVIS professional organizations.
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