丹尼斯•瓦里翁 Dénes Várjon
Hungarian Pianist, 1st Prize Winner of Géza Anda Competition
作为炙手可热的独奏家,瓦⾥翁是纽约卡内基⾳乐厅、维也纳⾳乐厅、伦敦威格莫尔⾳乐厅等国际主流音乐舞台的常客。与他合作的顶级交响乐团包括:布达佩斯节⽇乐团、苏黎世⾳乐厅乐团、柏林⼴播交响乐团、圣彼得堡爱乐乐团、欧洲室内乐团、俄罗斯国立乐团、波罗的海室内乐团、圣⻢丁室内乐团。他曾与众多指挥大师合作,如:索尔蒂爵⼠、桑多尔·⻙格、伊万·费舍尔、亚当·费舍尔、海因茨·霍利格、霍斯特·施泰因、Leopold Hager、佐尔坦·科奇什、长野健、Thomas Zehtmair、索契耶夫、托马斯·亨格尔布洛克。他也经常受邀出席万宝路、萨尔茨堡、爱丁堡等顶级国际⾳乐节。
他是国际古典乐坛公认的最伟大的室内乐演奏家之⼀,经常与史蒂芬·伊瑟利斯、Tabea Zimmermann、Kim Kashkashian、约尔格·魏德曼、卡瓦科斯、魏特哈斯、席夫、海因茨·霍利格、米克洛什·佩列尼、约书亚·贝尔等名家合作。
瓦里翁为Naxos、Capriccio和Hungaroton等唱片公司录制了多个专辑,广受好评。在Teldec发行的Sándor Veress《致敬保罗·克利》专辑中,他与席夫、海因茨·霍利格、布达佩斯节日乐团合作。由PAN-Classics公司发行的独奏专辑《致敬盖扎·安达》在享有国际盛誉。2012年,ECM发行了他演奏贝尔格、雅纳切克和李斯特的独奏专辑。2015年,他与海因茨·霍利格指挥的西德广播交响乐团合作,录制了舒曼的钢琴协奏曲,与András Keller指挥的布达佩斯协奏乐团合作,录制了贝多芬钢琴协奏曲全集。他的最新专辑包括与妻子伊莎贝拉·西蒙合作的双钢琴与四手联弹法国作品和马勒第一交响曲。他与小提琴家魏特哈斯合作的贝多芬钢琴与小提琴奏鸣曲全集,由Avi Music发行。
师从Sándor Falvai、György Kurtág、Ferenc Rados,瓦里翁于1991年毕业于布达佩斯李斯特⾳乐学院。期间,他还经常获得钢琴大师席夫的指导。他在匈牙利广播钢琴大赛、布达佩斯Leó Weiner室内乐大赛、苏黎世盖扎·安达钢琴大赛上均摘得冠军,被授予李斯特大奖、Sándor Veress大奖和巴托克-帕斯托里大奖。2020年,他获颁匈牙利最高文化奖项——“科苏特”大奖。此外,他是亨乐出版社Urtext Editions的合作伙伴。
His sensational technique, deep musicality, wide range of interest have made Dénes Várjon one of the most exciting and highly regarded participants of international musical life. He is a universal musician: excellent soloist, first-class chamber musician, artistic leader of festivals, highly sought–after piano pedagogue.
Widely considered as one of the greatest chamber musicians, he works regularly with pre-eminent partners such as Steven Isserlis, Tabea Zimmermann, Kim Kashkashian, Jörg Widmann, Leonidas Kavakos, Antje Weithaas, András Schiff, Heinz Holliger, Miklós Perényi, Joshua Bell. As a soloist he is a welcome guest at major concert series, from New York’s Carnegie Hall to Vienna’s Konzerthaus and London’s Wigmore Hall. He is frequently invited to work with many of the world’s leading symphony orchestras (Budapest Festival Orchestra, Tonhalle Orchestra, Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Russian National Orchestra, Kremerata Baltica, Academy of St. Martin in the Fields). Among the conductors he has worked with we find Sir Georg Solti, Sándor Végh, Iván Fischer, Ádám Fischer, Heinz Holliger, Horst Stein, Leopold Hager, Zoltán Kocsis, Kent Nagano, Thomas Zehtmair, Tugan Sokhiev, Thomas Hengelbrock. He appears regularly at leading international festivals from Marlboro to Salzburg and Edinburgh.
He also performs frequently with his wife Izabella Simon playing four hands and two pianos recitals together. In the past decade they organized and led several chamber music festivals, the most recent one being „kamara.hu” at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Budapest.
He has recorded for the Naxos, Capriccio and Hungaroton labels with critical acclaim. Teldec released his CD with Sándor Veress’s “Hommage à Paul Klee” (performed with András Schiff, Heinz Holliger and the Budapest Festival Orchestra). His recording “Hommage à Géza Anda”, (PAN-Classics Switzerland) has received very important international echoes. The butique label ECM has released two solo albums with him. In 2015 he recorded the Schumann piano concerto with the WDR Symphonieorchester and Heinz Holliger, and all five Beethoven piano concertos with Concerto Budapest and András Keller. His latest recordings include two piano-four hands CDs with Izabella Simon (French works + Mahler’s Symphony No.1.) as well as the integral of Beethoven’s violin-piano sonatas with Antje Weithaas for the label Avi Music.
Dénes Várjon graduated from the Franz Liszt Music Academy in 1991, where his professors included Sándor Falvai, György Kurtág and Ferenc Rados. Parallel to his studies he was regular participant at international master classes with András Schiff. Dénes Várjon won first prize at the Piano Competition of Hungarian Radio, at the Leó Weiner Chamber Music Competition in Budapest and at the Géza Anda Competition in Zurich. He is professor at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Budapest and was awarded with the Liszt, Sándor Veress and Bartók-Pásztory Prize. In 2020 he received the supreme Hungarian award in culture, the Kossuth Prize. He also works for the Urtext Editions of Henle.
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