

Estehaagse,名字由“埃斯特哈奇”(Esterhazy)和“海牙”(Den Haag)拼贴而成,前者是“交响乐之父”海顿曾经工作过的匈牙利贵族官邸,后者是合奏团在荷兰的诞生地。

Estehaagse由两位巴洛克小提琴演奏者詹姆斯.休伊特(James Hewitt)和曾祥吉共同创立,前者毕业于海牙皇家音乐学院(师从Pavlo Beznoziuk),现任教于此(主讲“历史即兴演奏”);后者目前就读于海牙皇家音乐学院(师从Lucy van Dael)。合奏团的通奏低音通常由托马斯.卡多斯(Tomáš Kardoš,巴洛克大提琴 / 低音小提琴)和上田朝子(Asako Ueda,琉特琴)担任。



The name ‘Estehaagse Ensemble’ is a play on ‘Esterhazy’, the palace where Haydn worked, and ‘Haagse’, meaning of Den Haag, the city where the ensemble is based.

It was founded by James and Xiangji Hewitt, who met each other at the Royal Conservatoire Den Haag. James studied with Pavlo Beznoziuk, and is now teacher of historical improvisation there. Xiangji studied with Lucy van Dael and Ryo Terakado. They specialise in chamber music on historical instruments, working together regularly as a duo, but also as string trio, baroque trio sonata ensemble, and classical ensemble with fortepiano.

Repertoire ranges from the seventeenth to early nineteenth centuries, and the ensemble plays in venues ranging from churches throughout the Netherlands to private living room concerts, and events such as the opening of Dutch parliament in Ridderzaal.

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