张楚晗 Chuhan Zhang





自幼学习钢琴,张楚晗先后师从孙韵、Melvin Chen教授,并在2015年得到钢琴大师傅聪先生的悉心指导。她的演出足迹遍布中国、美国、英国、法国、意大利、波兰和德国,其中重要的国际钢琴比赛及音乐节亮相包括:第十七届肖邦国际钢琴比赛正赛、第十七届利兹国际钢琴大赛、第六届上海国际青年钢琴比赛、意大利阿马尔菲音乐节、西班牙希洪钢琴节。


张楚晗对音乐与人文领域的融合充满热情,她与耶鲁大学艺术家刘娃、哈佛大学作曲家Sam Wu共同创作的Tree of Life、Still等作品获得了耶鲁大学“创新艺术奖”和“跨界艺术作品奖”,其中Still在哈佛大学Arts First艺术节、木木美术馆展出,获得广泛的好评。





Chuhan’s playing is natural and elegant, with a transparent quality in her sound. She has her own ideas. I really like her interpretation of Chopin’s Preludes.
– Pianist Fou Ts’ong

Pianist Chuhan Zhang holds a B.A. in History at Yale College and Master of Music in piano performance at the Yale School of Music.

Chuhan has studied with Professor Yun Sun and Professor Melvin Chen. She is a prize-winner and participant of world-level international piano competitions, including the 17th Chopin International Piano Competition (2015), Leeds International Piano Competition (2011) and Shanghai International Piano Competition (2011). She has performed in music festivals including the Hotchkiss Chamber Music Festival, Amalfi Coast Music Festival, Gijon Music Festival and Beijing International Music Festival.

She interpreted Debussy and Ravel’s solo piano music in her album Shinywhale, which was released by China Records in 2021.

Chuhan is passionate about the intersection of music and humanities. She collaborated with artist Liu Wa and composer Sam Wu on interdisciplinary projects such as Tree of Life and Still. The projects won Yale’s “Innovative Art Award” and “Interdisciplinary Art Award”. Still was exhibited at Harvard University’s Arts First Festival.

According to Professor Robert Blocker, the former dean of the Yale School of Music, “Chuhan has a pristine technique that supports her pianism in every style – from Baroque contrapuntalism to contemporary abstractions by living and leading composers. Her depth of understanding of a work comes from study and historic contextualization of the piece.”

In 2023, Chuhan was selected as one of the top ten outstanding young pianists by the Art of Piano journal of the People’s Music Publishing House and the Chinese Musician Association. Her recent appearances include Chopin Concerto No.1 and Ravel Concerto in G Major with conductor Zhang Lu and the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra.

She is currently a Ph.D. candidate of art history and music history at the China Academy of Art. Her research focuses on the intersection of music and art history during the fin de siècle period.

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